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Why Are Badgers So Heavily Protected by Law in England?

When you think of carnivorous predators, your mind likely doesn’t go to badgers, and yet they’re the UK’s largest land predator. As such, they have no natural predators of their own… So why do they need to be protected?

The Biggest Threats to UK Wildlife: A Call to Action

The Biggest Threats to UK Wildlife: A Call to Action

The United Kingdom is home to a diverse range of wildlife, from iconic species like red squirrels and hedgehogs to majestic birds of prey like the red kite. However, these precious creatures face numerous threats to their survival.

Which Trees are Most at Risk of Extinction in the UK?

Which Trees are Most at Risk of Extinction in the UK?

In the UK, we love our trees. But did you know that some of our favourite varieties may be at risk of extinction? The UK is home to a diverse range of tree species, which play a vital role in maintaining ecosystems, preserving biodiversity, and providing numerous environmental benefits.

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