Northbrook College,
Durrington Campus
Durrington-on-Sea, Worthing
Year: - 2014
ECE Architecture
+ Info
The external development scheme at Northbrook College, Durrington includes a new public entrance plaza to the building frontage, with positive pedestrian links to surrounding connection points and carpark areas.
The hard landscape pattern of texture granite pre-cast blockwork provides a directional paving pattern heading north to south across the building frontage to the college entrance door. The public entrance plaza includes street tree planting within tree pits and tree grilles of specimen broadleaf tree species of Hornbeam and Red Maple.
+ Details of Ecological and Arboricultural Assessments
- A detailed tree survey and arboricultural assessment was undertaken and documented in a Tree Constraints Plan, Tree Protection Plan, Existing Tree Schedule and Arboricultural Assessment.
- A Preliminary Ecological Assessment (PEA) was undertaken on the existing site area to appraise the existing ecological resource within the site and the surrounding area.
- The PEA identified habitats within the redevelopment and extension areas of existing buildings, grassland and ornamental introduced shrubland.