Six reptile species are found within the UK. although two of these (Sand Snake and Smooth Lizard), are very restricted in distribution. All reptiles are protected under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), making it illegal to intentionally kill or injure a common reptile. Rare reptiles (Smooth Snake and Sand Lizard? also receive legal protection under The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.
The Survey
Reptiles are found in areas of suitable habitat including rough grassland, scrub, woodland rides, brownfield and garden sites. Where suitable habitat will be removed by development a presence/absence survey for reptiles may be required.
Artificial refugia are placed around the site and allowed to 'settle' for a period of 10-14 days. These refugia are then checked during suitable weather conditions for the presence of any reptiles. Surveys can be carried out between mid-March and October in temperatures of 9-18 degrees Celsius during periods of dry, sunny weather.
Our team has the experience of undertaking all aspects of of reptiles migration including installation of Temporary Reptile Fencing, locating a receptor site and trans-locating of reptiles. We are dedicated to working with the client to produce innovative, cost-effective solutions on sites where reptiles are present.