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How Can Ecological Consultants Help Your Business

Ecology is the study of interactions among living things and their environment, providing a new understanding of these vital systems as they are now and how they may change in the future. Ecology is crucial for human wellbeing and prosperity and helps to enrich the world we live in. It helps to provide us with knowledge of the interdependence between people and nature, vital for food production, maintaining clean air and water and sustaining biodiversity in our ever-changing climate.

Businesses and corporations, big or small, have environmental issues they need to consider. We all depend on a healthy planet, and as climate change becomes a rising issue, it’s time we take action and address the looming issues in our sustainability. Sustainability initiatives are also highly beneficial for your business which is why it’s wise to contract ecological management consultants to help you.

It can be very hard to know where to start when tackling your business’ sustainability, so here we’ll discuss how working with an ecological consultant could help you.

What is ecological consultancy?

Consultancies provide expertise on ecological and environmental issues to industries, government agencies and other organisations. Their services include ecological assessments, surveys, habitat management and restoration guidance. Ecological consultancy is growing in importance due to the increasing volume and complexity of European Legislation and new environmental laws and regulations in the UK.

An ecological consultancy will carry out research and surveys to provide advice on ecological matters such as how property development in a particular area may affect the plant and animal species and types of habitats present. Using their specialist knowledge and years of experience, they will be able to provide a range of services to survey, monitor and collect data as well as provide an impact assessment so that you can understand the ecological impact of your business on the area.

Types of ecology

Ecologists use observations and experiments to test explanations for distributions and abundance of species. There are four types of ecology:

●      Organismal Ecology - The study of physiology and behaviour interacting with environmental challenges.

●      Population Ecology - Studies the factors impacting the number of individuals of a species in an area.

●      Community Ecology - The study of how organisms interact with each other and the environment.

●      Ecosystem Ecology - Studies the energy flow and chemical cycling in a given area.

Ecological Services

Field Surveys

As part of a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, an ecology consultant will provide background data for the appraisal through a desk study followed by a field study. A field study will include an assessment of habitat type, species composition, management, vegetation structure, and age and permeance of the site.

Data collection

Consultants are often employed in routine field surveys of flora and fauna, in data analysis, mapping and monitoring designated sites and proposed development schemes. This is usually carried out in conjunction with the collation of existing data that is publicly available from record centres and other bodies.

Impact assessment

A vital part of ecological assessments is the Impact Assessment. These are carried out for many different projects including industrial or building developments or transport schemes. An ecological consultant will produce evidence of the potential impact of proposed developments on the environment. Developers, planning departments, conservation organisations and other stakeholders will use this information in a variety of ways but mostly in public inquiries and when considering planning consent for a particular area.

Ecological management

Ecological management consultants will use their in-depth knowledge of habitats and the specialist requirements of protected species to provide you with a detailed and achievable management plan. It will have clear objectives to ensure targets are met and the consultants will see your project through from start to finish. With a suitable management strategy, site management and enhancement with ongoing monitoring, your business will be much more ecologically sustainable.

Mitigation schemes

These schemes usually involve trapping and relocating animals and constructing new habitats for them. The consultants will take on the responsibility for the success of this work and ensure the project sticks to the requirements of their license. If required, habitats may be translocated if the conditions are suitable.

Landscape design

An ecological consultant may also be able to provide your business with landscape design that benefits the ecology of the area. Ecological landscape design is based on an ecological understanding of landscape which ensures a holistic, dynamic, responsive and intuitive approach. As an approach to ecology, it simultaneously considers past and present as well as local and regional processes. It’s vital your business’ landscape design addresses sustainability and biodiversity.

How can environmental impact surveys benefit your business?

Business sustainability is the practice of operating a business without negatively impacting the environment. Ecological sustainability is vital to ensure we conserve and protect natural habitats, species and reduce pollution. But what does this mean for your business?

Improve your business’ reputation

It’s important to do your best to establish a good image for your company. You can do this by making efforts to align your messages with your actions and take steps to improve your company’s sustainability. A great example of a company that took hold of its corporate responsibility is Lego, which made the change to produce its products from plant-based materials. They also plan to use sustainable materials for all of its core packaging by 2030, after this announcement, their reputation skyrocketed.

As climate change becomes an ever-increasing fear for consumers, they have started to seek out brands and companies that not only say they will be more sustainable but actually take steps to do so. By working with an ecological consultancy, you will be ensuring your business has no negative effects on the species and habitats of the area as well as taking steps to improve it.

Comply with laws and regulations

As a business, you have to comply with a range of environmental laws and regulations. These standards are put in place to reduce pollution and increase sustainability for years to come. These regulations cover waste, air pollution and water and land contamination. Ecological assessments will be able to identify any nature conservation features which may be affected by your business, such as any property development, and ensure it is compliant with legal regulations.

The local planning authority has a statutory duty to consider the conservation, protection and enhancement of biodiversity when determining a planning application. So you will be saving yourself a lot of hassle by consulting ecological experts about the impact your development may have on the surrounding area.

Provides a competitive advantage

Companies that incorporate sustainability into their strategy perform better than those that don’t. They see an 18% higher ROI because they’re managing and planning for climate change. Sustainability as a whole is a provider of organisational and technological innovations that yield both bottom-line and top-line returns. Ultimately, you will perform much better financially if you have things such as a sustainability programme.

Within your sustainability programme, you can include ecological assessments, management, landscape design and mitigation schemes to ensure your business and the area it is located is not harming the environment, pollution levels or native species. You are more likely to outperform your competitors if you can prove your commitment to environmental sustainability.

Lizard Landscape Design & Ecology - Survey Consultants in West Sussex

Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology is a chartered consultancy of landscape architects, landscape planners, ecological consultants and tree surveyors. We operate with a core focus of combining landscape design and ecological commissions for public sector education, property clients and development projects.

We create sustainable landscape projects working towards retaining and protecting the natural environment. To improve your business’ sustainability strategy, get in touch with our team. We will be able to provide a range of ecological assessments including Ecological Risk and Impact Assessments, Ecological Mitigation and Compensation and protected species surveys. For more information, visit our website.

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