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Re-development of the Lakeside Centre, Eastleigh is now complete

Photo Credit: Richard Chivers

Photo Credit: Richard Chivers

Situated between Eastleigh and Southampton, Lakeside Country Park is a twenty-two-hectare site on restored gravel works, consisting of wet meadow and woodland. Offering walks, picnic sites and guided trails, the park provides habitat to a diverse array of wildlife including deer, foxes and species of bat, and is popular with local anglers.

Working in partnership with RHP and Eastleigh Borough Council, we prepared a development plan for the Lakeside Country Park to include an ecological and landscape strategy aimed at enhancing the existing landscape and ecological features present within the existing site area. 

We are pleased to see that the work is now complate and the space is already being enjoyed by the public. 

Photo Credit: Richard Chivers

Photo Credit: Richard Chivers

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