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Three Reasons Why Arboriculture is Important

Taking care of plants, trees and shrubs in the outside environment is something that should not go under the radar. Essentially, the purpose of arboriculture is to protect these plants, trees and bushes by cultivating and managing them. The role of an arborist is often confused with tree surgeons, but ultimately they are very different. Whilst tree surgeons focus on emergency tree care, stump grinding and felling, the role of the arborist is to treat damager trees and conduct tree surveys and inspections. Now that we have touched on what arboriculture entails, you might be left wondering why it’s actually important.

From environmental implications to aesthetic, here are just three reasons why arboriculture is important.


The importance of trees for our environment cannot be understated. Trees not only provide us with oxygen, but they also improve the quality of air, conserve water and support the wildlife in our environment. Without arboriculture services to look after these trees, then the air quality would be greatly affected. With this in mind, the role of the arborist is to ensure that trees are staying healthy and treating them if they were to become damaged. Trees are also important to other species as well. For instance, trees and plants offer shelter and food to insects, birds and more. If trees become damaged, then it’s fair to say that the environment we inhabit will be much in a much worse condition.


Whilst healthy trees can be known for its captivating beauty and impressive appearance, damaged trees certainly aren’t so easy on the eye. When you go for a walk through a local park, the last thing you want to see is dead trees, shrubs and dying plants. In this case, arborists are responsible for making your outside area look as good as possible. Next time you go for a stroll and notice the scenic landscape, then you know the arborist has done their job properly.


As aforementioned, the health of your trees, plants and shrubs can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of your outside area. If you’re a business owner, then you’ll know it’s important to have both the indoor and outdoor areas looking good. If a potential customer visits your business and notices that there is damaged trees outside, then they may associate this lack of care with the rest of your business. With this in mind, it’s important to think about what arboriculture can do for your business image!

If you’re looking for arboriculture services, then look no further than Lizard Landscape Design. Whether you’re after tree surveys, arboricultural impact assessments or tree risk assessments, we’ve got you covered. Based in West Sussex, we have over twenty years of experience in supplying our clients with a service that they can count on. To find out more about how arboriculture can help you, get in touch with our expert team today!

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